World Medical Relief collects and distributes surplus medical equipment, dental equipment, medical supplies, surgical instruments, and medicines to other nations in need. These good quality medical items are donated to World Medical Relief and intended to help the less fortunate, sick, and poor around the world.
Sponsoring organizations such as churches, service groups, and medical missionaries may apply for assistance through an application process. Supplies and equipment are either shipped via forty-foot containers or hand-carried by medical missionaries. World Medical Relief charges a flat-rate handling fee for container shipments. In addition to the handling fee, there could also be other surcharges and taxes that may be imposed by the recipient country, which are beyond our control. All shipments must be received by licensed medical facilities or personnel at their point of destination.

The handling fee is $12,000 USD for all 40 foot containers. The fair market value of the medical equipment and medical supplies in the containers typically averages between $350,000 - $450,000. The shipping fee is determined based on where the container is getting shipped.
Please complete the "International Request Form" for a container shipment.
Please complete the "International Request Form" for a medical mission.
Please complete the "International Request Form" for an ambulance acquisition.
If you have any questions about the process, please do not hesitate to reach out to