Sheldon and Marion Davis Pacemaker Recycling World Headquarters
Opening Ceremony
June 9, 2018
Guests arriving at The Opening Ceremony and Dedication
Dr. Kim Eagle and Mr. Sheldon Davis sharing a few words prior to the ceremony
Mr. Jon Hinton - Master of Ceremony
Father Fadi Philip - Invocation of the Dedication
George Samson, Ph.D., President/CEO
Dr. Kim Eagle - Reflections on the dedication of the Sheldon and Marion Davis Pacemaker Recycling World Headquarters, click here for full speech
Dr. Thomas Crawford, M.D. delivering the Remarks of Appreciation at the Dedication Ceremony,
click here for full speech
Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence shares her thoughts on the Pacemaker Recycling Project and the work World Medical Relief does, with perspective to the true American spirit and its impact on the World
Mayor Kenson Siver, sharing a few words of appreciation on behalf of the City of Southfield
Unveiling of the Plaque by Sheldon and Marion Davis for the Inauguration of the Pacemaker Recycling Facility Dedication
Michael Krause - Chair, Board of Directors
Dr. Kim Eagle reading the message on the plaque for the audiences.
From left to right: Marion Davis, Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence and George Samson, Ph.D., President/CEO
Dr. Thomas Crawford talking with the team representing United to Heal
Sheldon & Marion Davis outside the newly inaugurated - The Sheldon and Marion Davis Pacemaker Recycling World Headquarters
Dr. Kim Eagle and Janelle Hafner, Operations Manager at Implant Recycling having an exciting conversation about the project
Pacemaker Recycling Facility World Headquarters
Pacemaker Recycling Facility World Headquarters
George Samson, Ph.D., President/CEO with volunteers from Henry Ford Village
Ross Sample & Sharon Gadoth - Goodman, both device nurses, with Sheldon and Marion Davis
Nidhal Garmo, President of One World Medical Mission and Member of the Board of Directors of World Medical Relief and Josephine Jabara
Guests at the dedication ceremony
Reception after the dedication with light refreshments and beverages
Guests enjoying the reception
Michael Krause, Dr. Thomas Crawford, Sheldon Davis, George Samson, Ph.D., Marion Davis & Dr. Kim Eagle
George Samson, Ph.D., Chris Christopher, Elsie Consolacion, Christopher Samson, Jon Hinton, Roquelia Sonntag, John Samson, Marilyn Hinton, & Dr. Sheila Samson
Bruce Rogers (Programmer, Michigan Clinical Outcomes Research and Reporting Program (MCORRP), Eva Kline- Rogers (Director Michigan Clinical Outcomes Research and Reporting Program (MCORRP), Jordan Jabara (volunteer), Eric Puroll (Project Manager My Heart Your Heart)