Product Donation Form

Medical Equipment/Medical Supplies

Bold items indicate urgent need
Adult diapers, pull-ups, blue pads (full packages or cases)
Alcohol, betadine, surgical scrubs (pads, swabs, and bottles)
Analyzer (blood and chemistry)
Anesthesia equipment
Anesthesia machines
Anesthesia supplies
Applicator swabs (tongue blades and cotton balls)
Autoclaves (preferably desktop)
Baby and birthing supplies
Bed linens and towels
Bedpans, urinals
Biopsy needles and kits
BiPAP machines
Birthing beds
Blood drawing supplies
Cardiac monitors
Carts and Cabinets
Casting supplies
Chest tubes and drainage kits
Colostomy/ostomy supplies
CPAP machines
Dental equipment (chairs, units, and X-rays)
Dental supplies and equipment
Dialysis machines
Diapers (adult and child)
Drains (surgical)
Drapes (sterile)
Dressings, gauze, sponges (all types)
Ear supplies
EKG (ECG) machines
Electrocautery units, pads, pens, tips
Electromyography (EMG) machines
Endotracheal tubes
Environmental supplies, surface disinfectant
Epidural kits and spinal needles
Exam lights
Exam tables
Eye equipment
Eye supplies
Feeding pumps
Feeding tubes (bags and pumps)
Feminine supplies
Gloves (exam or surgical, sterile and non-sterile)
Gowns (surgical, patient and isolation)
Gurneys and Stretcher
Hospital beds
Hospital beds and mattresses
Ice and heat packs
Imaging: C-Arm, X-ray (portable)
Infant incubators and radiant warmers
Irrigation tubing and syringes
IV infusion supplies, tubing, catheters, start kits, central lines
IV kits
IV poles
IV pumps
Lab incubators
Lab ovens
Lab supplies, culture tubes (2 years until expiration)
Laryngoscopes and blades
Liquid nutrition (Ensure, Boost, etc.) - must have 6 months before exp.
Liquids – any IV solutions as long as they are good-date
Mammogram machines
Mask and surgical goggles
Mayo and IV stands
Medicine (prescription & over-the-counter)
Microscopes (surgical and lab)
Models (surgical) for education
Monitors patient
Nasogastric tubes
Needles (all sizes – sterile)
Ostomy supplies
Overbed tables
Oxygen and nebulizer supplies
Oxygen concentrators
Patient care supplies, toiletries
Phototherapy Units
Physical therapy equipment, activities of daily living supplies
Protectors and pads
Pulse oximeters
Rectal supplies
Refrigerators (Lab, regular, and blood refrigerators)
Rolled bandages
Scales (infant and adult)
Scrubs and lab coats
Sharps containers (all sizes)
Shower chairs
Skin ointments, antibiotic, protective adhesive
Skin prep kits and scrub brushes
Splints, wraps, Ace-type bandages and braces
Sterilization (tapes, wraps, pouches, indicators, and boxes)
Suction machines (aspirators)
Suction supplies and equipment
Surgery packs and supplies
Surgical caps and shoe covers
Surgical instruments
Sutures and staplers
Syringes (all sizes, sterile only)
Tables (surgical, utility/back, and exam)
Toothbrushes & toothpaste
Tracheostomy and cricothyroidotomy supplies
Tubing (we do not accept tube feeding formula)
Ultra-sound machines (with probes)
Ultrasounds (diagnostic and therapeutic)
Urinary catheters (insertion kits and drainage bags)
Ventilator tubing
Walkers (rollators)
Wheelchairs (manual)
X-Ray machines (portable)
A few notes:
Donated supplies and medicine must have good dates - at least 1 year before expiring.
If the medicine is short-dated & is an expensive drug like oncology medicine, please call us or fill out the form below and tell us about the item(s) you want to donate. Short-dated medicine will only be considered for international mission trips.
Donated medical equipment must be in good-working condition (technical equipment such as equipment with a battery must be less than 7 years old and in good-working condition)
If the equipment is not in good-working condition and can easily be fixed with a battery/replacement parts, please fill out the form below and tell us about the item(s) you want to donate
If you are dropping items off at our warehouse, please do not just leave items at our door without talking to a World Medical Relief staff member - we need to make sure the product(s) you are donating are acceptable, secure, and documented in our donation logs
We will pickup large & valuable items near Metro-Detroit. Due to liability, we will not enter your home for the items.
Please fill out this form if you are interested in donating medical equipment, medical supplies, or medcine